Top Best Funny Happy Birthday Wishes and Messages

Funny Birthday Wishes and Messages: Funny birthday wishes that you can choose a card or a message to send funny happy birthday wishes to someone you. The secret to staying young is makeup… make up an age, then stick with it!

Funny Birthday Wishes and Messages

1-  For your birthday, I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life.

2 – You should be proud of your age. This year you are wiser, smarter, and very close to reaping the benefits of senior discounts at restaurants.

Funny Happy Birthday Wishes

3- My dear friend another year has gone, but unfortunately that doesn’t mean you’ve become any wiser.

4 – OMG the room is getting hotter! Please call the fire department or blow these candles before it gets on fire.

5 – I didn’t forget your birthday. I just forgot today’s date!

6- I figured out, what’s the most difficult thing to do. I think it’s the counting of your wrinkles. It’s impossible to find one.

7 – I think we’re going to need a bigger cake to fit all your candles.

8 – I wanted to give you something unique, grand, and loving on your birthday! But I just did not fit on the screen!

9 – I was trying to think of what to get you for your birthday but nothing came to mind.

10 – I wish you all the best, for another 100 years here on earth!

11 – I’m at an age when my back goes out more than I do.

12 – I’m just here for the cake.

13- I’m not going to make any age-related jokes, because, in fact, I feel a little pity about how old you are.

14 – If someone comes up with the idea to call you old: then hit him with your stick and throw him your teeth! Happy Birthday!

15 – If you want to look young and thin on your birthday. Hang around a bunch of old fat people.

16- I’ll always think of you as someone older than me. Happy Birthday.

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17 – You must have one of the best plastic surgeons. There is no other explanation.

18 – You recognize the fact that you’re getting older when the candles cost more than the birthday cake.

19 – You think you are old? You’re not old… you were old last year, this year you’re ancient.

20 – You think you’re something special because it’s your birthday today? You’re something special every day!

21 – On your special day, I wish you peace, love, insight, relaxation, fun, knowledge, romance, friendship… and all that stuff that doesn’t cost anything.

22 – In all the times and in all the lands there has never been a better backyard barbecue chef than you. I don’t mean that to be a hint about how you should celebrate your birthday. Okay, it is.

23 – Happy Birthday to my wild and crazy friend. Thanks for keeping all of the adults busy with your antics when we were kids so that I never was punished!

Cute Funny Birthday Wishes and Messages

Don’t worry about getting so old. I will have the fire extinguisher ready in case your birthday cake gets out of control. Love you, my ancient friend!

For your birthday this year, I hope you don’t mind if we avoid the fire hazard of so many candles and use electronic candles, instead.

I believe you forgot my birthday present last year, so now I’m returning the favor. Happy Birthday!

A wise man once said, “Forget about your past, you cannot change it”. I’d like to add: “Forget about your present, I didn’t get you one”.

You might be prehistoric, but at least you’re not extinct!

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

You’re not old! …oh, no wait, actually you are, sorry about that…

Don’t stress about your eyesight failing as you get older. It’s nature’s way of protecting you from shock as you walk past the mirror.

Happy birthday!! You only look as old as the last selfie you took.

I wouldn’t say you’re old… you’ve just been young for longer than most of us.

Great news! …you’re still alive!

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You’ve got more than half a century of accumulated knowledge and wisdom! That would be awesome… if you could remember any of it.

You know, I would be a whole lot more excited about you turning one year older if I was in your will. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to someone who has attended more birthday parties for kids than adults this year.

Don’t grow up… It’s a trap!

Happy Birthday to a [Mom/Dad] who’s smart and funny and good looking, from a [daughter/son] who inherited all your best qualities.

It’s OK to light the candles on your birthday cake now; I’ve already alerted the fire department.

You know, they say that age is really all in the mind. The key is to prevent it from trickling down into your body.

Congratulations on being born a really long time ago.

You’re how old?! Better take that cake outdoors to light the candles! Have a very happy birthday.

Congratulations, you’ve finally reached the wonder years… wonder where your car is parked? Wonder where you left your phone? Wonder where your glasses are? Wonder what day it is?

When I have a birthday I take the day off. But when my wife has a birthday, she takes a year or two off.

Happy birthday to a man who is really younger than he looks.

Happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and reminds me a lot of myself.

Happy birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey. And you smell like one too

Happy Birthday! It’s about time you start acting like your real age.

Happy Birthday! The inevitable came a year closer.

Happy Birthday! You look fine for a person who is by one year closer to death.

You would have loved the gift I didn’t bother getting you.

Your birthday reminds me of the old Chinese scholar. Yung No Mo

You’re not 40, you’re eighteen with 22 years of experience!

You’re so old when you look at your birth certificate it said expired

You’re a hard person to shop for, so I didn’t get you anything. Happy birthday.

You’re not forty; you’re eighteen with twenty-two years of experience.

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You’re not getting older. You’re just a little closer to dying! Happy anniversary of your umbilical cord separation.

Happy Birthday! You’re one year closer to your death day.

Happy Birthday, but what’s your secret; a time machine, or something.

Happy Birthday, you’re not getting older you’re just a little closer to death.

Happy Birthday. I promise I won’t tell how old you really are!

Have fun as much as you can, but not too much, because you are at a vulnerable age.

Have you ever try to get yourself in a fridge and see what happens? It’s ok you can light up all your candles now? we all have a glass of water in our hands.

Hmm … I do not know why, but I had a strong urge to send you a text message! But why? I know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Hoping that you can find all the strength and courage needed… to blow all of the candles out.

Hoping you dance the night away or at least watch other people dance late into the night, or at least stay awake…

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest! (But it has also been scientifically proven that too many will kill you.)

Don’t let aging get you down… it’s too hard to get back up again!

The tragedy of getting old: So many candles… so little cake.

Technically you’re not 50. You’re only $49.95, plus tax!

They say you lose your mind as you grow older… what they don’t tell you is that you won’t miss it much!

Age doesn’t make you forgetful: having too many stupid things to remember makes you forgetful!

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.

Middle age… when “happy hour” is a nap!

If gray hair is a sign of wisdom, then you’re a genius!

What goes up but never comes down? Your age.

 Funny Happy Birthday Wishes.Funny Birthday Wishes: From humorous quotes about getting old to banter about wrinkles and maturity, this post is a notoriously funny hot pot of birthday messages. Whether it is your best friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, boss, colleague, mom, or dad – their birthday is your chance to get under their skin with jokes.