Happy Birthday Prayers for Myself :Every Day Million of People Birthday.we wish our friend and Other people.Today we Share Some Short Birthday Prayers for Myself .You See if you like Send your Friend and Family Member.Hope you like Them.
Happy Birthday Prayers
If you want the “Short Birthday Prayers for Myself”, then these would do.
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Lord, I thank you for granting me yet another day of celebration. Thank you for the gift of another beautiful year. I’m grateful, Lord.
Lord God, I appreciate you for giving me another year to live. Thank you for the knowledge of life you’ve granted me. Lord, I thank you for each and everything.
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm on your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
May God be with you and bless you,
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness From this day forward.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind always be at your back,
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home,
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the sky above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hears that love you.
My maker, all I’ve in heaven and earth is you. You’ve shown me much love and kindness these past years. Forever will I be grateful.
Thank You, Lord, for all the beautiful happenings in my life in the past years. It can only be You, Lord.
Beautiful Jesus, how excellent You are? You’ve shown me much more than I deserve. And I thank you for granting me yet another year with good success.
Happy Birthday Prayers Brother
Who am I to have enjoyed your love, care, gift, miracles and much more? But, You’ve kept me this far. Thank You, Jesus, for another fulfilled year.
You’re the reason I live. You’re the reason I breathe. You’re the reason I flourish. You’re the reason for everything good thing in my life. Thank you for another great year, Lord.
Today being my birthday, Lord, I ask for forgiveness. I ask for joy and happiness. I ask for success at all times. Amen.
Awesome God, I bless your name for making me witness another year of fulfilment.
Everlasting Father, I appreciate your kindness and love You’ve shown to me in the past years. I ask for more as I start another today. Amen.
Lord, I thank you for sending me divine helpers this last year. I’ll always be indebted to You. And I ask for more in Jesus’ name.
It’s yet another year of joy, happiness, fulfilment, and great opportunities. Lord, I pray you grant these in Jesus’ name.
It isn’t that I know how to praise you, how to pray to You, how to fast, that has kept me alive. But because I have a great God who overlooks my shortcomings. Thank you, Lord, for another year.
I thank You, Lord, for the people that stood by me this last year. I also appreciate those that left me when I had problems. Most especially, my thanks go to my Father in heaven for not disappointing me.
You’ve done so many wonders in my life in the past years. As I grow older, I understand, Jesus is the reason for my living.
My Comforter, no love can be compared to that of Yours. Thank you God, for loving me this much.
It’s another year to live, to flourish, to dance, to love, to accomplish, and do greater things. Thank You, Jesus.
In all the earth, You’re the best friend I have. Jesus, I owe you my life, for sparing me, even to witness another birthday.
Glorious God, I’m happy you found me. If I wasn’t in Jesus, what would have become of my life? Thank you, Lord, for this year.
Miracle worker, I’ve experienced your miracle all the years I have spent on this earth. I pray as another year starts today, I’ll not stop experiencing Your miracles. Amen.
Happy Birthday Prayers Friends
God will be with me through life’s weary ways,
His light shall guide me in all the dark paths,
He shall be my defence and succour in all ways,
And His guardian angels shall never depart from me.
I will be preserved from all hidden snares,
And temptation will never take me unawares,
I will not be given more than I can bear,
And when I call on God, steadily he will be there!
I shall go forth in God’s name,
As my daily labour, I pursue.
I shall be hidden by God’s loving frame,
And His blessings shall He send on me like the morning dew.
God shall crown all my efforts with Success,
And all my daily struggles with testimonies.
I shall find favour where others lobby,
And His grace will be sure for me
Where ever I have no connection.
Those that sees me down below before,
Shall begin to look up unto me.
And all that I have lost,
I shall regain them back.
The success that cannot be hidden,
The testimonies that are too big to share,
Miracles that never happened to anyone,
Shall be my lot today and forever.
Even as I celebrate my birthday. Amen.
Happy Birthday to me.
My days shall neither be spent in weariness,
Nor every moment from this day without hope.
And May God bring me stability, where in life I grope.
May His hands of mercy find me wherever I am lost,
And may His guardian angels save me at all cost. Amen.
Happy Birthday to me.
Short Happy Birthday Prayers
Henceforth, the eyes that have seen me in trials,
Shall be the very ones that will witness my turnarounds,
And hearts that sigh deeply at all my conditions,
Shall gather to rejoice with my new levels in God.
the mouths that spread the tales of my limitations,
Shall begin to spread the news of my abounding joy.
So shall it be from this day and forward.
Amen. Happy birthday to me.
The eyes that have seen me broken down in sorrows,
Shall see me being lifted up in all your ways.
The hand that has been given to me,
Shall begin to receive from me.
This shall happen to me from today, and forever.
Amen. Happy birthday to me.
The Lord that used a stick to bring out the axe head through Elijah,
Shall help me recover all in life that I have lost,
The same God that used a rod to construct a bridge for the Israelites
through Moses,
Shall make ways for me where my enemies say there is no way.
The Lord that raised up the dead Lazarus,
Shall bring to life all that is dead in my life,
The one that feeds thousands with two fishes and five loaves,
Shall sign a perpetual deal of abundance for me.
And the Lord that takes the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt,
Shall surely take me out of all my life’s struggles.
So shall it be today, on my birthday and forever more.
Amen. Happy birthday to me.
It’s another year of your unmerited favour,
Another year of your endless mercy and grace…
And as I’ve come in years past, I’m here now,
And I’ve come to ask as you word demands:
When I lift up my head, even unto the hills,
When I look down, through the valleys low…
When helpless, in search for someone to help
Let my help come from You, my Lord and maker,
The creator of heaven and earth.
Happy birthday to me.
Cute Happy Birthday Prayers
In You, I want to live, move and forever have my being.
In You, I want to rest and find help in times of need.
By you, I want to do all things that my hand finds to do,
And by you, I want to walk through all life’s challenges.
Help me, dear Lord, to become all you have made me to.
Help me to celebrate every birthday in your love. Amen.
All of my life, I’ve never known you to fail because You are the same wonderful God I’ve known from my mother’s womb.
In all the years I’ve been to and fro this planet earth, you have not stopped being a dear Father and friend to me.
So I have come with a heart of gratitude, saying I will be yours as long as I live. Thank you, Lord, for another year.
My dear father and friend, I have come to say thank you for the gift of life and for adding another wonderful year to my age. And according to your word, Lord I have come to ask that you continue to be my guide, protector, defence, confidant, provider, saviour, redeemer and my all.
Thank you for the answered prayers. Happy birthday from you to me.
From now on, I will wait on you. In times of need, I will seek your face, your face alone.
When darkness would come, I’ll run to your light, and when perplexed, I’ll run to you for refuge.
In my weary moments, Lord let me find you near; and when all help seems gone, let me see you as my reward.
Lord, help me to solely look unto you for help and no matter what comes my way, help me to praise your name.
This and much more I ask, dear Lord, even as I celebrate another birthday in your grace and loving-kindness.
Lord, I have come again to ask for your blessings, wisdom and all that your love can do. Help me to continue to live the life that pleases you and be the person you have created me to be.
To all my family, friends and loved ones, help me be a sure source of joy, merriment and help in times of need.
Help me to follow you daily, doing all things as you would always want me to. In Jesus name, Amen.
Once again, thank you for sparing my life to see another birthday in sound health. I love you, Lord.
As you’ve done from ages past, Lord, continue to draw me closer to you and never let me go.
Since it’s another year that you have made, I lay my life down again, as an expression of gratitude.
I have come to seek refuge and solace in you, my strength, song and friend, for no one’s help would ever do.
Yes, here I have asking you to take your place inside of me, filling me with all of you.
And when the trials and temptations of the world would come at me, help me to stay tuned to you.
Yes, you are all I ever wanted and needed and that you will continue to be.
Happy birthday to me from you, Lord.